You're Worth Fighting For!

There's a war going on inside of us - a war between the person we truly are and the person we've become going through the storms of life. As we go through life, not-so-pleasant things happen, people come and go, some betray you leaving you feeling like a failure, feel like stupid, feel like no one cares, feel invisible, and find ourselves being the person who's fearful, with low self-esteem, no or low confidence, people-pleasing, frustrated and angry (and sometimes don't even know we're angry!). I know….because I’ve been there and done that.

A long time ago, when I was going through a divorce, I had a dream that went like this: I was in a crowded place with lots of people I knew, my family, relatives, and friends. I was talking to someone, but the person I was talking to couldn't hear me and eventually turned to someone else and started talking to others. I felt sad and frustrated, I was talking louder and louder but all of a sudden, I realized that I was in a bubble, like a plastic bubble. Of course, they couldn't hear me, I was crying and screaming to talk to them, but no one could hear me. I felt invisible, I felt like I was nobody. I woke up crying, my heart pounding, and felt like it was going to burst.

I wrote it down (which I lost sadly!) and the therapist I had at the time read it back to me out loud. When she read it, I said "Who wrote that?" duh! it was me, but it just didn't sound like me. I realized then, what I was feeling subconsciously: feeling like not being heard, invisible to others, isolated and alone.

I was glad that I had someone to talk it over with at that time. She reminded me how to be aware of those thoughts and what I needed to do. My pastor had to remind me of my worth in God so many times, too. I kept fighting for myself. There were times when I just wanted to give up, but God kept sending me help and reminders - "Child, you're mine, I love you, you're worthy, you're forgiven and accepted."

Are you feeling defeated? lonely? rejected? isolated and alone?

Are you feeling like you’re just at the end of the rope and hopeless?

I know it’s easier said than done…..but there’s a God who created you and cares for you and loves you deeply, deeper than any men on this earth can care for and love.


I want to tell you today the same thing: You're a God's child, God loves you, You're worthy, You're forgiven and accepted. Don’t give up, You're worth fighting for!

Do you need someone to encourage you, empower you, and remind you how awesome you are? You're in the right place!
Do you want to be coached by someone who has gone through what you may be going through so that you can move forward to start living the life you want? Book a Revelation Call with me to see if I'm the right coach for you. <3

Miki Sturges