Life Transformation COACHING
“Start your day with positive thoughts”.
Have you ever wonder, “does God even care? Don’t I deserve love?”? I have, especially when I was going through an abusive marriage, I felt so lost, insecure and unworthy. My self-esteem was chipped away slowly over the years, by the time I left the relationship, I was completely broken and lost. I didn’t even realize that was happening.
You have heard of a phrase,
“Fake it till you make it” right? Yeah, you can do that if you want to. I’ve tried it too. But until you actually deal with your core issues and re-wire your brain and re-write the stories, you will get back to your default mode over and over again.
Have you ever said to yourself:
“I wonder if God even loves me after all the mistakes I’ve made….”
“I don’t deserve to be loved, not even God can love someone like me…”
“What is my purpose? What plan does God have for me?”
“I just can’t get passed where I am now….What am I doing wrong?”
“When will God light up my path?”
“I feel so confused and lost….”
“I’m so angry at God, you have no idea!”
“Everyone says I should be stronger and know my worth, but I just don’t feel I’m worthy”
“I don’t think I can do this.”
“I have no creativity whatsoever, I can’t do anything right…”
“I’m too fat, I should lose another 15 lbs!”
“I’m so ugly, nobody would want me.”
“What would others think of me if they knew real me?…”
“I have no talents! I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be doing!”
“Where is my life going?”
“Why do I keep attracting the wrong type of guys?”
“Why do I feel like I’m going in circles in life?”
“I feel so stuck!! I should just quit!” …...etc etc..
These are voices in our heads that circle around, stories we tell ourselves. Chances are these stories have been told by you and others consciously or subconsciously for many years. Have you had a time when you achieved a goal yet you felt stuck there and couldn’t quite get out of the ditch? And ended up leaving or quitting, thinking “I’m just not cut out for this!”? Oh yeah. I have!! I just couldn’t take myself to the next level. I felt like I hit the ceiling where the ceiling didn’t even exist!
What if I told you that God is constantly speaking to you. He has created you uniquely and wonderfully and equipped you with gifts and talents no one can take away. They may be hidden at this moment, you might not even give yourself any credit whatsoever, but God doesn’t make mistakes! Let me help you uncover your greatness God has given you so that you can start living the life you love and are created for!
Are you ready? Click the button below to get on a call with me to find out if I can help be of help to you.